
analysisbase provides general purpose analysis functions and classes used by several nmrglue.analysis modules

This modules is imported as nmrglue.analysisbase and can be called as such.

Developer Functions

These functions are typically not used directly by users. They are called by high level functions.

neighbors(pt, shape, structure)

Generate a list of all neighbors to a point.

valid_pt(pt, shape)

Determind if a point (indices) is valid for a given shaped


Find the limits which outline the provided list of points


Create a set of slice objects given an array of min, max limits.


Create a tuple of minimum, maximum limits from a set of slices.

squish(r, axis)

Squish array along an axis.

Developer Classes

ndwindow(shape, wsize)

An N-dimensional iterator to slice arrays into windows.

ndwindow_index(shape, wsize)

An N-dimensional interator object which returns the index of the window center and a ndwindow slice array.

ndwindow_inside(shape, wsize)

An N-dimentional iterator to slice arrays into uniform size windows.

ndwindow_inside_index(shape, wsize)

An N-dimensional interator object which returns the index of the window top-left and a ndwindow_inside slice array.